Bæd StoriesSexy Erotic Lingerie for role playing and love stories, not always very wise stories to spice up your evenings...
Roleplay costumes to immerse you in a sensual and unique adventure. Roleplay outfits that you don't hide anymore and that you assume! A way to find your true temperament and awaken your sexual energy. All sets are made of quality materials, combined with an exclusive design to combine comfort and pleasure...
Who will you serve tonight? Sexy Maid|| A lover victim of VIDOC? Sexy Nurse| Are you ready for the original sin? Black Angel| Or are you as pious as they say? The Religious| Unless you want to get laid? The stewardess| Army or Air Force? Golden Force or Golden Power| Cop or stripper ?
The Empress that only the most loyal and courageous favorites deserve;
A mysterious GeishaFor the favor of which the partner will be ready to climb the foggy Fujiama;
Cleopatra is the dream of someone who craves hot sex and consuming passion, from the Savage Power Collection.
Fairy tale characters to refresh some forgotten impulses? In Elven bride or in Rabbit of Alice in Wonderland, from the Fairy-tail collection.
Unless your fantasies push you beyond the limits, then enter the costume of Super Ladyof Bat Lady or even of Spider Ladyfrom the Super Heroes collection.
Party...stories Erotic lingerie collection for role playing games, for catsuit and Thierry Mugler fans!
So who will you be playing tonight? 🙂